Epitome eFOOD, ERP Food Software with MYOB or QuickBooks Integration
is specifically designed for food manufacturers, food wholesalers and food distributors who have outgrown MYOB & Quickbooks. Suitable for growers, produce market vendors and suppliers, bakeries and cake manufacturers, meat wholesalers and distributors or any food business that is looking for software that automates more of your business processes.
Our eFOOD solution has been specifically designed to meet business needs, demands and challenges. It’s all about the specifics of business and importantly it's affordable whilst being uncompromising on the range of facilities delivered.
Examples of the facilities included are:- Fast Order Entry – Eliminating the delays, complexities and possible errors inherent in current order processing.
- Customer Order Pad – Speeding order taking by presenting a sub set of your total product range that is individual customer specific.
- Pick & Pack – Ensuring orders are despatched quickly and accurately.
- Batch Track – Guaranteeing product recalls can be made rapidly and efficiently.
- Shelf Life Dates – Bringing maximum control to used by date management and control.
- Van Delivery Rounds – Substantially enhancing delivery productivity.
- Negotiated Pricing – Streamlining the effort needed to work with numerous different price lists.
- Customer Order Entry – Provides customers with electronically delivered order spread sheets which they can complete and return via email of fax.
- Advanced Reporting – Highly flexible reporting that allows you to rapidly get the information you want to run your business exactly how you need to and when you need it.
- Standing Orders – Far more simply handling customers’ regular orders.
- Multiple Product Unit Measures – Making it a straightforward task to handle units, inners, outers and pallets.
- Driver’s Run Sheets – Offering total efficiency on the road.
- Quantity Breaks – Automatically recognising varying unit prices based on total volumes ordered.
- Levies – Automatically catering for government taxes and other imposts.
- Bar Codes – Comprehensively using barcoding to speed operations, reduce errors and enhance productivity. And allowing the use of multiple barcodes per stock line.
Plus and most importantly it easily integrates with MYOB, QuickBooks or other accounting packages so you can enjoy all the benefits of the new software without having to change your current financials system.
Download the eFOOD brochure or call us on 1800 776 498 for more information.